Tasmanian devils only live in Tasmania. They look adorable but with their sizeable appetite and one of the strongest bites for an animal of its size, it is best to not get in the way of their meals!
Currently, these species are endangered due to a transmittable virus. To help save the Tasmanian Devil, EUGY donate 10% of sales profit of this model within New Zealand, Australia and global online sales, to the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program. [Read More]
Assemble this puzzle in 3D by superimposing the different numbered pieces and glue them with the included non-toxic glue. Complete the puzzle then play for hours, letting your imagination run wild.
EUGYs are sustainable paper craft toys made from cardboard – one of the most recyclable materials! It’s printed with eco-friendly ink and comes with non-toxic glue. It’s safe for children and environmentally-friendly!
Playing with EUGY is a great educational activity, helping children get familiar with counting numbers, enhancing concentration and motor skills
*Please note that the product is subject to updates without prior notice. The actual product may slightly vary from images.
Ages 6+
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